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Old Handbills and Billets.

Recently we came across a folder with old billets that had been stored away with some books containing information
regarding the Mither Shed. I have managed to scan in some of the billets and restored the damaged ones.
The first is an example of the condition they were in compared to the restored version.
As you can see the perforations, missing text and parts of the characters have been restored.
(by clicking on a billet it will open up as a larger version except for those marked with a small asterisk in the
lower right-hand corner, those images are courtesy of the Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services)
It is interesting, from a historical point of view, to note the world events that prompted some of the cartoons.

(They are not in chronological order.)


Billet 17


Billet 17 restored

Billet 1 Billet 2 Billet 3
Billet 1 Billet 2 Billet 3
Billet 1 Billet 2 Billet 3
Billet 10 Billet 11 Billet 12
Billet 13 Billet 14 Billet 15
Billet 16 Billet 17 restored Billet 18
Billet 19 Billet 20 Billet 21
Billet 22 Billet 23 Billet 24
Billet 25 Billet 26 Billet 27
Billet 28 Billet 29 Billet 30
Billet 31 Billet 32 Billet 33
Billet 34 Billet 35 Billet 36
Billet 37 Billet 38 Billet 39
Billet 40 Billet 41 Billet 42
Billet 43 Billet 44 Billet 45
Billet 46 Billet 47

Images marked with a small asterisk in the upper left-hand corner are courtesy of the Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services.

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